These books form the second section of the hebrew biblethe prophetsneviim. The book of zephaniah is probably best known for being the least known book of the entire bible. Even among zealous bible students, the books of habakkuk and zephaniah are seldom read. Like other old testament prophets, zephaniah is a book rich in literary forms and features. The texts of these minor but important prophets receive a fresh and penetrating analysis in this introduction and commentary. Introduction to the study of the minor prophets march 30, 20 the twelve small books at the end of our english bibles are known as the minor prophets simply because they are so much smaller than the major ones isaiah, jeremiah, ezekiel. The book of revelation introduction the revelation of jesus christ, which god gave him to show his servantsthings which must shortly take place. This is not the only place where this theme occurs, of course, but it is the most concentrated treatment of the judgment of god as the whole book is devoted to this one theme. Each chapter covers one particular biblical book and is divided into an introduction with an analyses of geopolitical and. This summary of the book of zephaniah provides information about the title, author s, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the book of zephaniah. Introduction to zephaniah author because the prophet zephaniah was the son of cushi 1. Bible new world translation of the holy scriptures 20 revision.
The date of zephaniahs prophecy is given as in the days of josiah the son of amon, king of judah. This is an introduction to the book of zephaniah, and what you can expect from the miniseries. Baker considers each books historical setting, composition, structure and authorship nahums prophecy of ninevahs coming destruction. Bible study guide book of zephaniah saturday, november 3, 2012 background on zephaniah in zephaniah 1. Zephaniah, ninth in order of the minor prophets, prophesied in the days of josiah zephaniah 1. Zephaniahs prophecy of judgment on judah and jerusalem emphasizes, perhaps more than any other prophecy, the devastation. It is a small book, it is in the middle of the minor prophets, toward the end of the old testament.
All that is known of zephaniah comes from the text the name cushi, zephaniahs father, means cushite or ethiopian, and the text of zephaniah mentions the sin and restoration of. Like the writings of many of the prophets, the book of zephaniah follows a pattern of judgment on all people for their sin followed by the restoration of gods chosen people. Zephaniah prophesied during the reign of josiah, when egypt, judah, and babylonia were eroding the power of assyria. Sabbath school lesson 9 quarter 2, 20 the day of the. It was a time of revival, but the captivity was impending, nevertheless, and zephaniah points out the moral state which, despite the superficial revival under josiah. Zephaniahs preaching condemned the hopeless corruption found in judean society. Statement of reproach against jerusalem zephaniah 3. These books form the third section of the hebrew biblethe writingsketuvim. Our commentary this week is taken from the bible commentary by adam clarke 17621832, a british methodist minister and theologian. He begins his prophecy by tracing his heritage back to hezekiah king of judah.
In hebrew the book is titled hynpx meaning yahweh hides perhaps reflecting the terror of the days of manasseh when zephaniah. The first reading we read today came from the book of zephaniah chapter 5. Zephaniah intro to zephaniah biblica the international bible. Outline of the book of zephaniah woe to her that is rebellious and polluted. This morning we begin with an introduction and overview of the man, zephaniah and his book. The books superscription attributes its authorship to zephaniah son of cushi son of gedaliah son of amariah son of hezekiah, in the days of king josiah son of amon of judah 1. The prophet zephaniah was evidently a person of considerable social standing in judah and was probably related to the royal line.
Amos, obadiah, jonah, micah, nahum, habakkuk, zephaniah, haggai, zechariah, and malachi. After discussing the lack of interest in zephaniah throughout the history of biblical interpretation, ben zvi. We know nothing at all of the personal life of zephaniah except that which is contained in his own writing. There are many people who would like to rule this subject of judgment out of the. Zephaniah is the ninth of the minor prophets, the last 12 books of the old testament. Shortly after this time the babylonians would replace the assyrians as the dominant power in the near east. Introduction zephaniah ministered before the babylonian captivity began in 586 bc and not long before jeremiah, who lived at. Interesting facts about zephaniah barnes bible charts meaning. What captured my attention was something that ben zvi said on page 29. An introduction to the bible for christians and jews 2. Zephaniah s primary target for gods message of judgment, the nation of judah, had fallen into grievous sin under the reign of their king, manasseh. Zephaniahs forceful oracles are proof enough that the brilliant gains established by eighthcentury prophecy had survived without major loss the long period of prophetic quiescence. The day of the lord is a major theme in zephaniah occurring 23 times in this short book as well as in obadiah, joel, and ezekiel. Zephaniah introduction scofield reference bible commentary.
His word came in visions, oracles, dreams, parables, and the like. In his 2003 national book awardwinning memoir waiting for snow in havana, carlos eire narrated his coming of age in cuba just before and during the castro revolution. The prophecy of zephaniah is a small book three short chapters. Zephaniah wrote it shortly before the fall of judah in the southern kingdom. Zephaniah has another cycle of denunciation against judah 3. The book declares judgment on many nations, all of which opposed god. Wolters has no discussion of key themes in his introduction while petterson. By accepting this message, you will be leaving the website of the united states conference of catholic bishops. Several new commentaries on the book of zechariah have appeared during the. Zephaniah summary we have detailed a brief summary of the book of zephaniah for bible study or sunday school lessons. Zephaniah likens the coming judgment to the sweeping away of all life in the days of the great flood genesis 68. This link is provided solely for the users convenience. The name means jehovah hath guarded, literally, hidden psalms 27. He identified himself much better than any other of the minor prophets, mentioning four generations of ancestors, back to hezekiah, a good.
An introduction to the old testament prophetic books kindle. Book of zephaniah overview insight for living ministries. Title as with each of the 12 minor prophets, the prophecy bears the name of its author, which is generally thought to mean the lord hides cf. Zephaniah may have been a contemporary of other old testament prophets such as jeremiah and nahum and the book of mormon prophet lehi see bible. Described as the day of the lord, the day of judgment is pictured as a time of darkness, of anguish and distress, of destruction and plunder of cities, and. Zephaniah was a fourthgeneration descendant of hezekiah, a notable king of judah from 715 to 686 b. The book of zephaniah is narrative history and prophetic source of wisdom. The prophet zephaniah has a great message for the people of god today. Proclamations of judgment and imminent disasters zephaniah 1.
The prophecy by zephaniah is a companion to that of habakkuk. Zephaniah the one whom jehovah has chosen was a prophet of judah. Apart from this statement, nothing more is said about his background. The book of zephaniah consists of a single collection of oracles, mostly short. The book of amos is the third of the twelve minor prophets in the tanakhold testament and. It is a day that will come and zephaniah helps us to appreciate its purpose and power. Video video download options new world translation of the holy scriptures 20 revision share. Coogan, a brief introduction to the old testament, 2009, p. It is the ninth in the collection known as the minor prophets. This prophet, a contemporary of jeremiah, exercised his ministry during the reign of josiah. Whereas the prophet micah dealt carefully and sympathetically with the problems of the common people of judah, zephaniahs utterances show a much greater familiarity with court circles and current political issues.
When god had a message for the people, he spoke through the prophets. The purpose of this book was to show the complacent southern kingdoms that they were wicked, god used a prophet zephaniah. Zephaniah, habakkuk, jeremiah, nahum, ezekiel, obadiah. Book of zephaniah, the ninth of 12 old testament books that bear the names of the minor prophets, collected in one book, the twelve, in the jewish canon. On that day you shall not be put to shame because of the deeds by which you have rebelled against me. Introduction as we prepare to study the literal and spiritual senses of the book of zephaniah, lets look at some historical facts that will help us enter into the eternal message of the lords word. Amos, hosea, micah, nahum, zephaniah, habakkuk book, 20. Zephaniah introduction commentary commentary critical. The bibles writings introduces the reader to the world of psalms, proverbs, job, the song of songs, ruth, lamentations, ecclesiastes, esther, daniel, ezra, nehemiah, and 1 and 2 chronicles. The book consists of a series of independent sayings, many of which are rightly attributed to zephaniah, written probably about 640630 bc.
Introduction to the study of the minor prophets good word. The day of the lord, the lord is in the midst of you author. Introduction to the book of the prophet hosea published. Zephaniah prophesied during the reign of josiah 640609 b. I blogged about the introduction to this book a while back. We know nothing at all of the personal life of zephaniah except that which is. Among the prophets, this is a unique introduction with its long list of fathers back to zephaniahs great. It describes a time when yahweh will come to his people and necessarily destroy evil as a means to delivering them. The book of zephaniah center point bible institute. Carol j dempsey these six prophets proclaim powerful messages about judgment and the sovereignty of god.
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